Fighting for social justice with creative technology educational kits.


pipas labs

We distribute creative technology educational kits that combine art, self-expression and technical skills to generate greater economic inclusion in marginalized communities.



The kits are creative technology education in a box and are distributed to marginalized communities through schools and organizations. They serve to combat the unequal access to technology education and resources, and to create pathways to greater participation in the modern economy.


The program combines science, technology, engineering, arts and math (STEAM) in culturally-relevant activities that are delivered as kits. The kits are offered for home-use, with teacher training for use in schools and as part of customized courses with partner organizations.


The prototyping board, which can be used across multiple kits, provides a connection between the physical and digital worlds. and allows for the transformation of material objects intro interactive experiences. Scratch is used on a cellphone or computer to bring the kit creations to life.

we believe

We believe that diversity in ideas is core to a just world, that all people are creative and have great ideas, and that creative technology education must be available to everyone everywhere in a 21st century world.


kit types


kits distirbuted





